Centennial Project
City Hall Presentation
Northwest Rotary Skatepark
Rotary Northwest contributes $45,000 to Skatepark
21 June 2005
The Rotary Club of St. John's Northwest presented Mayor Andy Wells with a cheque for $45,000 at Council yesterday, to meet its commitment to the city's first permanent Skatepark. Current Club President Lucy C. Dobbin said, "This level of support is significant for a club of our size, but we were convinced of the need for local young people to have a proper and safe venue to practise their sport. We were very pleased when the City agreed to our partnership in this project."
Located at Mundy Pond Park, Northwest Rotary Skatepark covers almost 19,000 square feet and was designed with assistance from local skateboarders. Construction was completed last Fall, and an official opening is planned for mid-August, after all landscaping is well settled. Efforts are being made to invite a well-known skateboarder to the opening to give a demonstration of advanced skateboarding skills.
Northwest Rotary also announced the receipt of a Significant Achievement Award from Rotary International for its commitment to the Skatepark, which is the club's project to mark the Centennial of the founding of Rotary in 1905. Rotary International awards only one Significant Achievement Award per Rotary District. St. John's Northwest is in District 7820, which has 46 clubs and 1,900 members. The City accepted the framed award for public display at City Hall.
The public will be invited to the opening of the Northwest Rotary Skatepark in August.

Mayor Andy Wells addresses Council on the presentation of $45,000 by the Rotary Club of St. John's Northwest in support of the new Skatepark at Mundy Pond. (L-R): incoming President Jim Kirby; Past President Mark Brown; current President Lucy Dobbin; Mayor Andy Wells; Project Liason for Rotary Heddy Peddle; Past President Tom McCaughey.