International Service
International Projects
Within our Club, there is an ongoing focus on reaching around the world to help those who are less fortunate. We are proud to have supported the following projects outside of Canada in recent years:
Zimbabwe Project
For decades, people in Newfoundland and Labrador have been supportive of a hospital community in rural Zimbabwe. In 2007, Rotarians in St. John’s became involved and have had quite a tangible impact on the hospital and people in the surrounding villages ever since. Over the winter months of 2015, a 40 foot container was filled with community donations including hospital equipment and supplies, household goods and clothing, school supplies, bicycles and much more. With the financial support of District 7820, and Rotary Clubs in St. John’s and Stephenville, Newfoundland this container set sail bound for Zimbabwe in the spring.
In September 2015, eight people from the St. John’s area, including two Rotarians, traveled to Zimbabwe to distribute the goods in the container. Below is a summary of the activities. Leading up to the trip, Rotarians in St. John’s were in touch with Rotarians in a city near the hospital (three hours away). On our behalf, they visited the hospital and provided a written community assessment outlining their greatest needs. With this in hand, we were able to fill the container with items that we knew were in critical demand. This group of Rotarians traveled to the hospital while the team from St. John’s was there. Together, these Rotarians did a work project at the hospital, followed by a site inspection and meeting. At that time, it was confirmed that there would be an interest in continuing to work together for future projects for this community.
In addition to the container of goods, it was identified that the hospital was in dire need for new mattresses for their 100 beds. The Rotary Club in Zimbabwe was able to source a company locally to provide waterproof mattresses that would assist in the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases. With the support of individuals from the St. John’s area, 100 mattresses, blankets and pillows were purchased and delivered to the hospital while the Rotarians were all gathered at the hospital. The community of Tshelanyemba, Zimbabwe is forever grateful for the continued support of Rotary in our region.

The Centre for Children’s Happiness is a small, non-governmental orphanage, situated in southern Phnom Penh City, the capital of Cambodia. The Centre provides for the basic needs of approximately 100 children. Our Club has contributed to a computer training program for the school that is attached to the orphanage. This program provides computer training not only for the young residents of the orphanage, but also for other disadvantaged children who live in the area. A contribution from our Club, and a matching grant of from our District translated into the addition of computers, computer software, and computer desks for the Centre for Children’s Happiness.
Reconstruction and Recovery, New Orleans is a project headed by one of our own Club members. It involves sending a team of volunteers consisting of trades and engineering students and their mentors to New Orleans, to contribute to and support community redevelopment projects like sidewalk replacement, reconstruction of a community centre, the construction of a preschool, and other community redevelopment initiatives. The beneficial elements of this kind of project work are numerous. In addition to the rebuilding that takes place in a New Orleans neighbourhood, the work provides on-the-job experience for the students; they are linked with young people from the New Orleans area who gain exposure to actual work of several different trades and the engineering profession; the trades and engineering students experience, first-hand, the power, influence and immense satisfaction of volunteering; and these students transfer this new-found appreciation for volunteering to their home communities when they return to Newfoundland and Labrador.
Team Broken Earth is a volunteer group of doctors, nurses, and physiotherapists from across who travel to Haiti to assist in the recovery from the devastating earthquake of 2010, and to help train medical staff there. You can learn more about this project on the Team Broken Earth Website.
The Water Project is a partnering project with Living Water International to provide safe and sustainable drinking wells in Rwanda. More information is available on the Water Project Website.
Helping Hands is a team of 16 Salvation Army volunteers from St. John's who spent three weeks in Tshelanyemba, Zimbabwe in May 2012. There were there to replace and repair water pipes bringing water to a 100-bed hospital from a river, 1.5km away, as part of a follow-up project. In the past, Rotary and other private donors also helped with the installation and later replacement of 15 x 5,000L water storage tanks, a 100,000L main holding tank, and associated motors and pumps.
Awladi Association is an association who led the development of a soccer field for a home in Egypt for children who are orphaned, abandoned, or whose parents are in prison.
Helping Hands is a team of 16 Salvation Army volunteers from St. John's who spent three weeks in Tshelanyemba, Zimbabwe in May 2012. There were there to replace and repair water pipes bringing water to a 100-bed hospital from a river, 1.5km away, as part of a follow-up project. In the past, Rotary and other private donors also helped with the installation and later replacement of 15 x 5,000L water storage tanks, a 100,000L main holding tank, and associated motors and pumps.
Awladi Association is an association who led the development of a soccer field for a home in Egypt for children who are orphaned, abandoned, or whose parents are in prison.

Pictured Above is the brand new sidewalk built in New Orleans!