Rotary Music Festival

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Rotary Music Festival

The Rotary Music Festival is one of our clubs signature projects.  One we are very proud of!  The Rotary Music Festival was founded 1989.

The festival is an annual event held in St. John's which focuses on youth bands and choral groups. It provides a unique opportunity for students and music teachers to work with music clinicians who have international experience in their field. Participants also have the opportunity to perform before a live audience through a series of public concerts. Each year, well over 100 bands and choral groups participate, with about 4,600 children involved. This often includes groups from across Canada and all parts of Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as the greater St. John's area.

We've received many congratulatory and thank-you notes from music directors and clinicians over the years. The following is a sampling of these comments:

Your festival is such a positive force in the lives of those children and their teachers!
- R. Blatti - Columbus, Ohio (clinician)

I can't thank you enough for providing such a rich experience in my life. Every part of the festival was so well organized...
- R. Nace - Tacoma, Washington (clinician)

...congratulations on a super festival this year...Great clinicians - everything prompt, positive feelings about music!...a fantastic and professional job (as usual)...
- S. Carroll- Mount Pearl (teacher, music director)

Thank you so much for another wonderful year! The kids and I really enjoyed ourselves and I thought the adjudicators were fantastic. They worked very well with the students too.
- S. Andrews - Old Perlican (teacher, music director)


On the financial front, the Festival has an annual budget of over $40,000. About a third of this comes from the concert Box Office, with another third or more coming from registration fees from the groups. Over the years we have also been successful in securing funding from the Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Music, and the NLTA Music Council.  The festival is run by a volunteer board.  Please visit their website for more information.  A special thank you to all who participate, the volunteers, music teachers and students!  Without you the festival wouldn't be possible.

St. John's Northwest Rotary Music Festival Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Rotary Club of St. John's Northwest and the St. John's Northwest Rotary Music Festival Committee to celebrate the Festival's 25th anniversary and to honour music education in the province. Valued at a portion of the income on the investment, the scholarship will be awarded annually to a student entering their first year of study in the School of Music on the basis of academic and musical excellence. The recipient must be from Newfoundland and Labrador as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, School of Music.
2014 Emily Finch